Assignment Outline - 'We Be Bloggin'

Assignment Outline - 'We Be Bloggin'

  1. A main topic w/ a description of your blog. (1/2 Mark)
  2. A header w/ a blog title. (1/2 Mark)
  3. A modified design & layout. (No default templates) (1 Mark)
  4. Follow AICT15 (5 Marks)
  5. A minimum of 4 posts (1 per day) (8 Marks)
    • Each post must be thoughtful, interesting, and relevant to the topic of your choice
    1. At least 2 posts must contain either a video or a picture.
    2. Add 2 gadgets to your blog (i.e. a calendar, or a visitor counter) (2 Marks)
    3. Favorite at least 3 other blogs. (3 Marks)
    4. Comment on a friends blog. (2 Mark)
    5. Respond to a comment made on your blog. (2 Mark)
    6. Create a Prezi and post it on your blog. (6 Marks)

      TOTAL: 30 Marks

    Inappropriate content, rude comments, or disrespectful responses will result in an incomplete mark (INC)

    INC = 0

    This is an exercise in ethical digital citizenship.


    - Mr. P